Papers on platforms, two-sided markets and advertising:

"The Consumption of Advertising in the Digital Age: Attention and Ad Content" (with Anthony Dukes), Management Science 70(4): 2086–2106 (2024). SSRN, INFORMS, MSI Research Recap.

"The impact of multi-homing in a ride-sharing market" (with Oksana Loginova and X. Henry Wang), Annals of Regional Science 69: 239-254 (2022). SSRN, Springer.

"Skippable Ads: Interactive Advertising on Digital Media Platforms" (with Anthony Dukes and Jie Shuai), Marketing Science 41(3): 528-547 (2022). SSRN, INFORMS.

         Check out the AI-generated podcast for this paper.

"Signaling Through Advertising When Ad Can be Blocked" (with Yuxin Chen), Marketing Science 41(1): 166-187 (2022). SSRN, INFORMS, Supplemental Appendix.

``Safety regulation in the platform economy: A look at the ride-sharing market," (with Gan Zou and Xiaofang Wang), Journal of Finance and Economics (财经研究) 48(5): 155-168 (2022).

"The Impact of Strategic Agents in Two-Sided Markets" (with Daniel Nedelescu and Ji Gu), Journal of Economics 134: 195–218 (2021). SSRN, Springer.

"Competing with Complementors: An Empirical Look at" (with Feng Zhu), Strategic Management Journal 39(10): 2618-2642 (2018). SSRN, HBS Working Paper, Wiley.

            Featured in "When Platforms Attack",   Harvard Business Review, October 2015;
                           "When Hosts Attack: The Competitive Threat Of Online Platforms (Like The Apple App Store)",   Forbes, December 2015.
            Cited in "Beware the Big Tech Backlash",   Wall Street Journal, December 2018.
             "The Commission's Amazon Probe: Overcoming the Antitrust Paradox",   European Competition and Regulatory Law Review, 2018.
            "How To Stop Amazon From Swallowing The Internet",   Forbes, January 2019.
            "Amazon's Winner-Take-All Approach to Small Business",   Bloomberg, February 2019.

"Price discrimination in two-sided markets" (with Konstantinos Serfes), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 22(4): 768-786 (2013). SSRN,   Wiley.

Papers on the airline industry:

"Does Sunk Cost Affect Prices? Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry" (with Long Shi and Myongjin Kim), forthcoming, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. SSRN, Wiley.

"Product Line Competition: An Empirical Analysis of the Chinese Airline Industry", (with Xin Xie), China Economic Review Volume 83, February 2024, 102106. SSRN,   ScienceDirect.

"When Do Firms Offer Higher Product Quality? Evidence from the Allocation of Inflight Amenities" (with Myongjin Kim and Nicholas Rupp), Review of Industrial Organization 62: 149-177 (2023). SSRN, Springer.

"Competitive Response to Unbundled Services: An Empirical Look at Spirit Airlines" (with Lei He and Myongjin Kim), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 31(1): 115-145 (2022). SSRN, Wiley.

"Is the Effect of Competition on Price Dispersion Non-Monotonic? Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry" (with Mian Dai and Konstantinos Serfes), Review of Economics and Statistics 96(1): 161-170 (2014). SSRN,   MIT Press Journals.

Papers on pricing/product strategies and other topics:

"Predictive Analytics and Ship-then-Shop Subscription" (with W. Jason Choi and Jiwoong Shin), Management Science 70(2): 1012–1028 (2024). INFORMS.

"How (not) to price discriminate" (with Jie Shuai), China Economic Quarterly (经济学季刊) 24(3): 778-792 (2024). SSRN, PKU.

"Gender Gap in Tenure & Promotion: Evidence from the Economics Ph.D. Class of 2008" (with Susan Chen and Myongjin Kim), Southern Economic Journal 88(4): 1277-1312 (2022). SSRN, Wiley

            Covered in Inside Higher Ed, Marginal Revolution.

"Behavior-Based Price Discrimination with Non-Uniform Distribution of Consumer Preferences," (with Rosa Branca Esteves and Jie Shuai), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 31(2): 324-355 (2022). SSRN,   NIPE WP, Wiley.

            Best Paper Award at the International Workshop on Innovation and Industrial Economics, June 2016, Nanjing University, China.

"Customer poaching and coupon trading," (with Georgia Kosmopoulou and Jie Shuai), Journal of Economics 118(3), 219-238 (2016). SSRN,   Springer,   Extensions.

"Multi-Dimensional Price Discrimination" (with Jie Shuai), International Journal of Industrial Organization 31, 417-428 (2013). SSRN,   ScienceDirect.

"Where Do New Economics Ph.D.S Go? Evidence from Recent Initial Job Placements" (with Susan Chen and Sherrilyn Billger), Journal of Labor Research 34(2), 312-338 (2013). SSRN,   IZA,   Springer.

            Cited as a further reading in American Economic Association’s "Understanding the job market", accessed in May 2018.

"The Effect of Most-Favored Customer Clauses on Prices," (with Susan Chen), Journal of Industrial Economics 59: 343-371 (lead article), 2011. SSRN,   Wiley.

"Loyalty Rewards Facilitate Tacit Collusion" (with Yuk-fai Fong), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 20: 739-775 (2011). SSRN,   Wiley.

            Featured in "Membership Has Its Punishments," Kellogg Insight, January 2010, and reprinted in Morningstar, January 4, 2010.

"Consumer sorting of vertically differentiated goods," (with Peyton Ferrier), Economics Letters 109: 11-13 (2010). SSRN,   ScienceDirect.

"Third-degree price discrimination," (with Konstantinos Serfes), Journal of Industrial Organization Education 5(1): Article 5 (2010). De Gruyter.

"Pricing-to-market: Price discrimination or product differentiation?" (with Nathalie Lavoie), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89: 571-581 (2007). SSRN,   Oxford Journals.

"Product customization," (with Dan Bernhardt and Konstantinos Serfes), European Economic Review 51: 1396-1422 (2007). SSRN,   ScienceDirect.

"Market segmentation and collusive behavior," (with Konstantinos Serfes), International Journal of Industrial Organization 25: 355-378 (2007). SSRN,   ScienceDirect.

"Customer information sharing among rival firms" (with Konstantinos Serfes), European Economic Review 50: 1571-1600 (2006). SSRN,   ScienceDirect.

"Imperfect price discrimination, market structure and efficiency" (with Konstantinos Serfes), Canadian Journal of Economics 38: 1191-1203 (2005). SSRN,   JSTOR.

"Imperfect Price Discrimination in a Vertical Differentiation Model" (with Konstantinos Serfes), International Journal of Industrial Organization 23: 341-354 (2005).

"Quality of information and oligopolistic price discrimination" (with Konstantinos Serfes), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 13(4): 671-702 (2004).